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Resource Centre
Explore a variety of resources to support best practices in community-based research on themes including: research ethics, CBR theory, CBR methods, and CBR movement and member research. Please contact us if you are a member with a community-based research resource (i.e., journal article, book, report, toolkit, case studies, digital media) or would like to share a helpful resource to support best practices in community-based research.
For community-based researchers seeking publishing opportunities, see a compiled list of journals.

The world of peers' engaging in care
Canada Research Chair in Partnership with Patients and Communities recently released a tool , on peer interventions in community health,...

Ancient and Indigenous Wisdom Traditions in African and Euro-Asian ContextsTowards More Balanced Curricular Representations and Classroom Practices
Book: Ehaab Abdou, Theodore Zervas (2024). Ancient and Indigenous Wisdom Traditions in African and Euro-Asian Contexts: Towards More...

Pedagogy with a heartbeat: The transformative potential of citizen science in educatio
Research Article: Goldin, J., & Suransky, C. (2024). Pedagogy with a heartbeat: The transformative potential of citizen science in...

Evidence Briefs on Gender-Based Violence
SSHRC and Women and Gender Equality Canada has posted the resulting research briefs from the Knowledge Synthesis Grants competition.

Tri-agency Training Strategy
Canada’s major research funding agencies—CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC—have released the Tri-agency Research Training Strategy to enhance...

Navigating emotional labour in grad school
Article : Auer, M . (September, 2024). "Navigating Emotional Labour in Grad School." University Affairs.

“Dear John”: Overriding institutional axiology by privileging Indigenous relational ethics
John, J., & Castleden, H. (2024). “Dear John”: Overriding institutional axiology by privileging Indigenous relational ethics. Research...

Investigating the Impacts of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Adolescents in Alberta: Community Report
Community Report: Child and Youth Healthy Futures Lab, UBC Okanagan PROJECT OVERVIEW The COVID-19 pandemic and safety measures impacted...

Unintended consequences: Why good intentions go bad, and how to make positive change in an unpredictable world
An interview with Kirsten Moy By Laurie Mazur with Kirsten Moy If you’ve ever tried to bring about positive change in the world, you know...

Report: Facilitation for Community Transformation
Authors: Kari Grain, Khari Wendell McClelland and Tara Mahoney Introducing our new handbook, a free and accessible resource for those...

Decolonisation of education through citizen science: Slow science, not slow violence. The case study Diamonds on the Soles of Our Feet
Abstract Citizen science projects are vulnerable to top-down directivity and driven by assumptions of one-directional ambitions regarding...

CoP Infographic: "Creating Community-Led Knowledge Mobilization Resources"
The June 2024 Community of Practice explored the topic of "creating community-led knowledge mobilization resources" with guest speakers...

A Review of Indigenous Education Models: Bachelor of Education Students
Report: Infographic: ...

Building Brighter Futures for Indigenous Learners: Insights into the National Education Survey Report and Infographic
Building Brighter Futures for Indigenous Learners: Insights into the National Education Survey Report:

Promising practices and constraining factors in mobilizing community-engaged research
Michelle Lam and Akech Mayuom Abstract This article describes a project involving 13 community focus groups on the topic of anti-racism...

Zoom for Community-Based Research
UNDER THE SCOPE of substantiating collaborative learning and sustainable rural relationships through online hybrid research in Western...

Article: Imagining a Post-Pandemic Reality through an Arts-based Methodological Framework
Janes, H., Berry, A., Lyonblum, E., Risk, L., & Niknafs, N. (2023). Imagining a Post-Pandemic Reality through an Arts-based...

Youth-Led Research Project Magazine: RE-IMAGYN BC Combining Art and Research to Co-Create Understandings of Relationship and Gender Equity with 2SLGBTQ+ Youth
Description - This magazine, which was entirely created by youth, shares the findings from the first phase of the RE-IMAGYN BC...

Article: Amadeusz’s Prosper: Effective reintegration of adults facing firearm-related charges in Ontario, Canada
Eizadirad, A., Chambers, T. N., & Brown, S. B. (2024). Amadeusz’s Prosper: Effective reintegration of adults facing firearm-related...

Article: Systematic Integrative Narrative Review onCommunity Support Practices and Outcomes inSocial and Community Housing
Lapierre, J., Bourque, L., Leblanc, N., Roch, G., Provencher, V., Jetté, C., ... & Fournier-Dufou, L. (2024). The Systematic Integrative...

Article: Birth and postnatal outcomes among infants of immigrant parents of different admission categories and parents born in Canada: a population-based retrospective study
Yang, S., Shapiro, G. D., Ng, E., Vissandjée, B., & Vang, Z. M. (2024). Birth and postnatal outcomes among infants of immigrant parents...

CoP Infographic: "Resource mapping for community engaged research: a case study of curating-as-method"
The May 2024 Community of Practice explored the topic of "resource mapping for community engaged research: a case study of...

CoP Infographic: "Trauma-informed community engagement in research"
The April 2024 Community of Practice explored the topic of trauma-informed community engagement in research, with guest speakers Dr....

Article: Jeunesses autochtonesSe réapproprier la recherche pour mieux se représenter soi-même Indigenous youth Reappropriating research to better represent themselves
Résumé Cet article porte sur un processus entrepris par et avec les jeunes du comité aviseur du volet autochtone de la Chaire-réseau de...

Report & Infographic: Equity in the Broader Settlement Sector: Addressing Systemic Racism and Digital Equity across the Settlement Journey
This collaborative research project was led by the Centre for Community Based Research (CCBR) in partnership with the Waterloo Region...

Article: Community-Based Evaluation When Localizing Sustainable Development Goals
Janzen, R., Switzer, S., Basabose, J. de D., Docherty, M., & Heidebrecht, P. (2023). Community-Based Evaluation When Localizing...

Podcast: Participatory Action Research - Feminist Trailblazers & Good Troublemakers
In depth conversations with feminist participatory and action research trailblazers about their successes and struggles bringing feminist...

Guidebook: Housing Education to Support Ukrainian Evacuees in Alberta
RDN in partnership with AAISA has released two brand-new guidebooks related to Housing Education to Support Ukrainian Evacuees in...

Book: Community Engagement in Higher Education From Theory to Practice
Singh, M., Bhatt, P., Singh, W., & Pareek, K.S. (Eds.). (2023). Community Engagement in Higher Education: From Theory to Practice (1st...

New podcast: Voicing Change
Voicing Change: Co-Creating Knowledge and Capacity for Sustainable Food Systems Voicing Change: Co-Creating Knowledge and Capacity for...

Article: Co-Developing a Radical Mental Health Doula Model of Support: Reflections on Doing Feminist Participatory Action Research
Rankin, J., Boulton, T., Fang, X. Y., & Denis, A. (2024). Co-Developing a Radical Mental Health Doula Model of Support: Reflections on...

Announcement about a new podcast: Indigenous Planetary Health
The Impact Chair in Transformative Governance for Planetary Health is hosting a new podcast, called “Indigenous Planetary Health”....

Report: Half the Time I Felt Nobody Loved Me
Rampersaud, M., & Mussell, L. (2021). “Half the time I felt like nobody loved me”: The Costs of ‘Aging Out’ of State Guardianship in...

CoP Infographic: "Community-based research toward policy change"
The March 2024 Community of Practice explored the topic of community-based research, with guest speaker Jess Klassen, the Manitoba...

CoP Infographic: "Peer researcher training"
February's Community of Practice explored the topic of peer researcher training: capacity building and engagement of peers for successful...

Report: Compensating Research Participants: A Survey of Current Practices in Toronto
Cheff, R. (2018, July). Compensating research participants: A survey of current Practices in Toronto. Wellsley Institute....

Article: Ethics of Aboriginal Research
Brant Castellano, M. (2004). Ethics of Aboriginal research. Journal of Aboriginal Health: Victoria1(1), 98-114 This paper proposes a set...

Article: Impact of Race and Culture Assessments (IRCAs) in combatting anti-Black racism and reducing recidivism
Eizadirad, A., & Leslie, G. (2024). Impact of Race and Culture Assessments (IRCAs) in combatting anti-Black racism and reducing...

Article: Reconceptualizing Global Citizenship in Turkish Social Studies Textbooks With a Focus on Social Justice
Kilinc, E., Eizadirad, A., & Straub, J. (2024). Reconceptualizing global citizenship in Turkish Social Studies textbooks with a focus on...

Report: Young Women’s Experiences of Anti-Muslim Racism in Schools
Ennab, F., Nowatzki, J., Makinde, S. (2024, February 13). Young Women’s Experiences of Anti-Muslim Racism in Schools. Canadian Centre for...

Report: Thinking Inside the Box: Rediscovering How to Build Social Housing in Manitoba.
Fernandez, L. (2024, March 5). Thinking Inside the Box: Rediscovering How to Build Social Housing in Manitoba. Canadian Centre for Policy...

Article: Healthy Community Initiatives In Rural Alberta, Canada, During COVID-19
Gillies, C., Frenette, N., Patterson, S., & Scott, L. K. (2024). Healthy community initiatives in rural Alberta, Canada, during...

Article: African Caribbean Presence: Decolonizing Social Work Education
Hackett, V. R. (2019). African Caribbean presence: Decolonizing social work education 2019. Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of...

Article: Supporting peer researchers: recommendations from our lived experience/expertise in community-based research in Canada
Ibáñez-Carrasco, F., Watson, J. R., & Tavares, J. (2019). Supporting peer researchers: recommendations from our lived...

Article: A New Era of Indigenous Research: Community-based Indigenous Research Ethics Protocols in Canada
Hayward, A., Sjoblom, E., Sinclair, S., & Cidro, J. (2021). A new era of indigenous research: Community-based indigenous research ethics...
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