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New: Annual 2021–2022 Annual Ontario School Survey Data Handbook assembled by People for Education

CBR Canada

For over 20 years, People for Education has conducted its Annual Ontario School Survey (AOSS) across Ontario’s publicly funded elementary and secondary schools. For the first time, we are publishing a data handbook to provide a high-level overview of the quantitative data collected in the most recent survey cycle. This overview is primarily comprised of data tables, accompanied by brief descriptive analyses and figures to highlight trends and key findings. It is our hope that sharing these findings will spark questions and ignite conversations across school boards, provinces/territories, Canada, and beyond about the role of public education in building a better future for all.

The 2021–22 AOSS is comprised of responses from 965 school principals across Ontario, representing 70 of Ontario’s 72 publicly funded school boards. The topics covered in the 2021–2022 survey cycle included school staffing, mental health and well-being of students and staff, Indigenous education, equity and anti-racism strategies, child care, and the implementation of de-streaming Grade 9 mathematics.


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