The 10th Living Knowledge Conference with its theme “Building and sustaining next generation engagement” serves anybody who is interested in supporting, facilitating, or doing community-driven, collaborative research, hereby fostering a ‘community of practice’ of both old and new friends. We want to hear from new minds and young researchers and practitioners working with community-based research, engaged research and citizen science. Living Knowledge Conferences favour interaction over one-way presentations. There is ample time for discussions, workshops, and dilemma sessions. From this meeting of people and minds we hope to create synergies that will benefit us all as well as the groups we represent.
The call is looking for proposals in the following topics of the next generation:
Curriculum: Engaged Research embedded in the curriculum and next generation of teachers.
Genuine engagement: Participatory techniques vs rhetoric’s on participatory based research; Cooperation vs engagement; Science Shops and Citizen Science/Living Labs; power relations.
Leaders: young researchers and practitioners– specific track for this group – and how to support researchers.
Overcoming barriers: How to support local communities (transdisciplinary and across universities); influence of political restrictions on community-based work.
Engagement policy and funding: Policy dimension and advocacy for community engagement/citizen science/RRI in next EU funding programme; governance of research; assessment and funding of participation.
Impact: Transformative and impactful collaboration (from knowledge to implementation)
Strategy: From in house to local to global; from values to strategy: changing institutes’ strategy.
Futures: participation for Horizon Europe Missions and SDGs.
Deadline: 23rd December 2023 at 23:59 CET