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Film and Online Exhibit: TechGirls Canada & UofT's research with immigrant women in STEM

Community-Based Research Canada

As part of a research partnership with immigrant women in STEM and their labor market integration experiences, TechGirls Canada and a team at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto produced two knowledge dissemination pieces:

5-min animated film

A result of community-engaged research with immigrant women in STEM who spoke to the research team about their labor market integration challenges and opportunities. This video has been shown and shared at various venues (conferences but also community events and policy arenas) and has been well received as a knowledge dissemination piece.

A curated online exhibit called “Five Journeys: STEM-Educated Immigrant Women in Canada” available here:

This is a collaborative online exhibition that shares the stories of five STEM-educated women. The exhibition seeks to raise awareness around the gaps in the new immigrants’ labour market integration process and systemic challenges faced during transition. It is intended to encourage a larger conversation about how new immigrants, potential employers, the settlement and government sectors, and the general public can look beyond jobs and job-finding processes to reflect on issues of fairness and belonging through increased understanding, empathy, and inclusivity.

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