Community-based research has great potential to contribute toward transformative societal impacts that benefit and uplift marginalized communities across Canada and the world. This important work, however, often goes under recognized. CBRCanada recognizes excellence in community-based research and is thrilled to announce that nominations are now open for the Award for Excellence in Community-Campus Research Partnership and Award for Emerging Community-Based Researcher.
Award for Excellence in Community-Campus Research Partnership
The Award for Excellence in Community-Campus Research Partnership honours the contributions of a community-campus research partnership that has demonstrated excellence in community-based research process, rigour and impact.
The Award for Emerging Community-Based Researcher recognizes and celebrates an individual who embodies community-based research values in their work. The award is open to community researchers, PhD students (or recent graduates), Post-Doctoral fellows, and early career researchers
Submit your nomination for the Awards by April 3, 2022 at midnight ET. To honour award recipients a Gala Celebration will be held online on June 1st 4:00-6:00pm ET (registration coming soon), for all CBRCanada members.