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Call for Manuscript Proposals: Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement - Special Issue

Community-Based Research Canada

The Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement is calling for proposals for a Special Issue: "Building Bridges Through International Community-Engaged Learning: Intersections of Education, Collaboration, and Social Change".

This special issue aims to gather a diverse and comprehensive range of perspectives on International Community Engaged Learning (ICEL). We propose a working definition of ICEL for this call for proposal as an experiential education process involving collaborative efforts among students, teachers, and societal partners to tackle global challenges. In the special issue, we look to expand and further develop potential variations in ICEL's definition, practice, and purpose across different regions, countries, and societies. Our goal is to examine whether the existing literature accurately represents the diverse academic and practical approaches to ICEL on a global level. Pursuing these objectives dovetails with the mission of JHEOE, which is to serve as an international journal “to advance theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement between higher education institutions and communities.”

Due February 7, 2024.

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