Aug 12, 2019ResourcesCase Study: "Supporting youth transitioning from child to adult services." 2019.
Feb 1, 2019ResourcesGuide: "First Nations Ethics Guide on Research and Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge."
Feb 1, 2018ResourcesCase Study: "Developing a Culturally Appropriate Indigenous Parenting Skills Assessment Tool." 2018.
Feb 1, 2017ResourcesArticle: "Ceremonies of Relationship: Engaging Urban Indigenous Youth in Community Research" 2017
Feb 1, 2017ResourcesDiscussion Paper: “Maximizing the Capacities of Advanced Education Institutions..." 2017.
Feb 1, 2016ResourcesArticle: When you follow your heart, you provide that path for others: Indigenous Models of Youth HIV Leadership
Feb 1, 2015ResourcesToolkit: "Key Practices for Community Engagement in Research on Mental Health or Substance Use."
Feb 1, 2015ResourcesBook Chapter: “Strengthening Community University Research Partnerships: Global Perspectives" 2015.
May 16, 2014ResourcesArticle: "Breathing life into theory: Illustrations of community-based research–Hallmarks..." 2014.
Feb 1, 2014ResourcesCase Studies: "Canadian Case Studies for the National Summit on Community-Based Research." 2014.
Feb 1, 2014ResourcesBook chapter: "Bringing community and university scholars together on a national stage". 2014.