Explore the latest news in community-based research across Canada, including community-based initiatives, new publications, and wise practices in community-based research.
Now Hiring: CCBR is seeking a Senior Researcher
Social Impact Hub now has a collaborative space at Durham College
Statistics Canada seeking feedback on "Police-reported Indigenous and racialized identity data"
Call for applications: Knowledge for Change Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Victoria
Now Hiring: CCBR is seeking a Centre Researcher
Now Hiring: Research Partnerships Officer at Laurier University
Updated Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans
Hiring: Part-time Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator at McMaster's Faculty of Social Sciences
Impact Report: A Year of Learning and Growth: CESI's 2022 Impact
Share your stories for The First Nations Guide to Working with Universities
Building Flourishing Communities through the Community Impact Lab Network
Landscapes of Injustice: unearthing our uneven past and finding new paths forward
Laurier is Offering a remote Program Evaluation Certificate
Dr. Budd Hall receives Order of Canada for contributions in community-based research
The Lancet Series on racism, xenophobia, discrimination, and health
Peacebuilding in Mali Through Photovoice
Upcoming SSHRC Funding Deadlines
Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity: Researcher-in-Residence at Thompson Rivers University
Helpful Resource: Templates for Citing Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers
Call for Papers: Gateways journal is seeking contributions