International Partners
Since the founding of CBR Canada in 2008, members have participated actively in a variety of international networks and conferences. Likewise many international delegates have taken part in CBR Canada's conference, C2UExpo. Work on knowledge democracy in Canada has been influenced by work in other parts of the world and Canadian approaches to community-based research are of interest to community-based researchers around the globe. Listed below are the names and linkages of many CBR Canada international friends and partners.

Asia Pacific University Community Engagement Network (APUCEN) is a regional network of academic institutions of higher learning concerned with promoting the culture of university-community engagement in a proactive, inclusive, holistic and participatory way. It is motivated by the belief that institution of higher learning and the community can unite to co-create knowledge to enhance the social, economic and environment of the community in the region of Asia-Pacific.

Association Science et Bien Commune was founded in July 2011 in Quebec as a not-for-profit organization, and is based at Laval University. The Association’s mission is to stimulate vigilance and action for an open and democratized science that serves the common good. ASBC has extensive contacts in French-speaking West Africa and Haiti.

Campus Engage is dedicated to supporting Irish higher education institutions to embed, scale and promote civic and community engagement across staff and student teaching, learning and research. They provide tools, publications case studies, and training on their website.

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI)’s mission is to strengthen the role of higher education in society contributing to the renewal of the visions and policies of higher education across the world under a vision of public service, relevance and social responsibility. GUNI produces the influential World Report on Higher Education every two to three years. They are currently focused on the role of higher education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They also organize meetings and conferences.

The Living Knowledge Network is composed of persons active in -or supportive of- Science Shops and Community Based Research. Living Knowledge aims to foster public engagement with, and participation in, all levels of the research and innovation process. They facilitate cooperation with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to generate research ideas, questions and agendas. They perform research in response to these questions, either ourselves or with the assistance of others, notably higher education students. Their goal is to co-create research to find solutions and therefore make a positive impact on real world problems. They hold an important conference every two years.

The National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) seeks to support a culture change in the UK higher education sector through our vision, mission and aims. It supports an exciting annual ‘Engage’ conference usually in late November or early December. See their website for tons of good tools, materials and links.

Participatory Research in Asia was founded in 1983 by Dr. Rajesh Tandon. Dr. Tandon is the Co-Chair, along with Budd Hall of the UNESCO Chair in CBR. PRIA is about building capacities of citizens, communities and institutions, to enable vibrant, gender-equal societies. PRIA is a global centre for participatory research and training based in New Delhi. PRIA has field offices in 4 states and linkages with nearly 3000 NGOs to deliver its programs on the ground. Their website contains hundreds of thousands of excellent resources.

The UNESCO Chair works to build CBR capacity in the global South and the excluded North. The co-chairs are Rajesh Tandon of PRIA in India and Budd Hall at the University of Victoria. They are responsible for the Knowledge for Change Consortium on Training in CBR which supports the creation of partnerships between universities and community organisations to provide training for young academics and community workers. There are K4C hubs in Colombia, Cuba, South Africa, Canada, Italy, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Ireland. For further information please see the website or contact: