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C2UExpo Movement

C2UExpo (Community-Campus-Exposition) is CBRCanada's international conference providing leadership and space for both academics and communities to showcase community-campus partnerships that address local and global societal problems. The C2UExpo conference is run bi-annually by a new local host, with backbone support from CBRCanada.


C2UExpo is more than a conference. It's a national movement bridging community and campus together.


Registrations for the C2UExpo 2025 "Partners in Place" are now open!

The C2UExpo is an international conference that showcases how community-campus partnerships are addressing global and local challenges. It will feature activities such as interactive workshops, panels, symposia, field trips, and networking events.


The theme for the 2025 conference, "Partners in Place," invites delegates to reflect on the power of place-based insights, ethics, and approaches for developing meaningful and impactful partnerships. Together, we will explore our reciprocal connections to the land and to one another.


Researchers, practitioners, students, industry professionals, and community members are all welcome to attend.


The expo will be taking place from May 12-15, 2025.

Early Bird Pricing is available until March 10th!

 Register for the C2UExpo now!

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Host C2UExpo 2027: Request for Proposals

CBRCanada is inviting organizations and alliances to host the 11th C2UExpo in 2027!


Are you an educational institution, community organization, or a collaboration with a strong track record in community-campus engagement? If so, this could be your opportunity to lead Canada’s premier international conference on community-campus partnerships!


C2UExpo is a prestigious event dedicated to celebrating impactful collaborations that tackle both local and global societal challenges. Hosting this event means showcasing your community’s commitment to social innovation, creating valuable connections, and amplifying the positive change you’re already driving.


If your organization (or partnership) is ready to take on this exciting role and help shape the future of community-campus engagement, we want to hear from you!


To apply, please review the proposal guidelines.


C2UExpo: A 20-year journey
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Reference: Ochocka, J. and Shaffiq Dar, S. (2023, June 5-8). C2UExpo: a 20-year journey. [Poster presentation]. C2UExpo 2023, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada. 




Click to view the pdf >


Past C2UExpos
C2UExpo 2023 logo.png

Theme: Connected Communities. Collective Change

Hosted by: Lakehead University

Conference Organizers: Anne Klymenko and Dr. Andrew Dean

C2UExpo 2023 Agenda


CBRCanada Contributions

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Theme: Celebrating Community-Based Research Excellence

Hosted by: CBRCanada Secretariat online

Conference Organizers: Dr. Joanna Ochocka, Dr. Sarah Switzer, and Janna Martin

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Theme: Celebrating Community-Based Research Excellence

Hosted by: CBRCanada Secretariat online

Conference Organizers: Dr. Joanna Ochocka, Julia Coburn, Janna Martin, and Raphael Freston 

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Theme: Culture, Place, and Resilience

Hosted by: NORDIK Institute, Algoma University and Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig, located in Baawating, otherwise known as Sault Ste. Marie, in Northern Ontario.

CANCELLED due to the COVID19 pandemic

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Theme: For the Common Good

Hosted by: Simon Fraser University

Conference Organizers: Stephen Dooley, Executive Director and Dr. Michelle Nielson

Read the C2UExpo 2017 Storybook


Theme: Citizen Solutions, Better World

Hosted by: Carleton University and several community partners


Conference Organizer: Dr. Ted Jackson



Theme: Engaging Shared Worlds

Hosted by: City of Corner Brook, Grenfell Campus Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the provincial office of Public Engagement


Conference Organizers: Dr. Ken Carter and Dr. Bruce Gilbert


Theme: Bringing Global Perspectives to Local Action

Hosted by: Communities of Waterloo Region and the Centre for Community Based Research


Conference Organizers: Dr. Joanna Ochocka and Dr. Rich Janzen


Theme: Connecting for Change

Hosted by: Office for Community Based Research at the University of Victoria and the United Way of Greater Victoria


Conference Organizers: Dr. Budd Hall with the Office of Community-Based Research


Theme: Leaders in Urban Change

Hosted by: University of Winnipeg and Winnipeg Inter City Research Alliance


Conference Organizer: Dr. Tom Carter


Theme: Partnerships, Policy and Progress

Hosted by: The University of Saskatchewan


Conference Organizer: Dr. Jim Randall

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